I hope you enjoy reading it. I will try to put entries in weekly. I look forward to getting some comments.
Week 2 - Settling in
It is early in the morning as I type this and I am reviewing my plans for today because it is SNOWING. The morning walk has been postponed and the trip to Santa Fe this afternoon in the bus is ??????? - questionable. Looks as though more pictures of snow will be the order of the day. Very exciting! I went out the front and Obo the dog, who has a strong personal identity and mind of his own, was steadfastly lying on his couch and did not move anything except his eyes when I patted him. Yesterday, he trotted up to me as I was the first one out and accompanied me on the walk to the gate and back - about half a mile each way. It was very nice to have his company. However, when I turned to repeat the
walk, he declined to accompany me, having had as much as he wanted for his morning walk! I am told that Dennis, the Brother in charge here, picked him out from the local pound when he first came here because, when all the other dogs came jumping excitedly towards Dennis, Obo just stayed where he was. A dog of strong independent character obviously. He is of Doberman style, big and strong and very gentle.Our newly formed Social Committee has decided to celebrate Valentine's day today. We all received little love letters from our anonymous admirer and now the breakfast tables are covered with hearts. That should warm us up!
It is not as dry today because of the humidity with the snow. Dennis says it will probably snow all day, but
that we will go into Santa Fe as long as the bus can get up the hill!!!! Hmmmm!
I've been catching up on a bit of Australian news via Google - it would be hopeless if I relied upon the American TV channels, of which there are multitudes. Finding one's way around the TV set is a new challenge. Well, not much news except snow, so I'll close. I could bore you out of your minds with pictures of the snow scenes, but will desist.
4.30 pm: We went into Santa Fe and it wasn't too bad because it has warmed up and the road is quite free of snow; also, we have had more out here in the mountains anyway. Mind you, it did snow while we were there and I walked between shops suitably attired in parka with hood, new rain-repellant trackies and gloves. There were plenty of 'normal' shops where we went today because it wasn't the special tourist area, but it was still different from Australia. I took a couple of pictures which might give you an idea of the place.
G'day Rita,
According to the news - it REALLY snowed today in the USA. The dog probably had the right idea - stay inside where its warm.
Enjoy your time there.
Love Neil Lisa & Nikki
hi Rita,
I finally get to view your blog after a week without internet, I've got a lot to catch up on! It looks cold but fascinating, it is good that the place is so different, makes it so interesting. I hope you are nice and relaxed and thoroughly enjoying yourself. Josh and Sarah are really enjoying school, particularly Joshua who has really made a connection with Donna McSweeney. I got a note from her the other day saying how his confidence is growing, but really that is all due to her. She is such a caring and otganised teacher. Tomorrow we go up to Bundaberg for a long weekend with Mum, Dad, Moira and Malcolm and Mark's Mum, Roger, Emma and Zac. We are going to see the turtles hatch (hopefully) and catch up with Brendan, Astrid and the boys. Better go, take care, love Helen, Mark, Joshua, and Sarah
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