Well, I am lucky I have any feet left. Yesterday, Colin and I met at Morden Station at 8.30 am and headed to Central London for the day. We took a map from a 'Big Bus' which takes tours around and murmured something about joining it later (£22.20 each) but decided to bust that up later on lunch, then we set off for a long day 'on the hoof'. Buckingham Palace was nearby and that meant photos and more photos, but we were disappointed that the guards were Irish reserves (or something) in berets and green uniforms - no red jackets and busbies! The changing of the guard was at 11.30 am and by 11 am you couldn't get near the Palace fence, so we gave that a miss. However, we did see some mounted horsemen come through, and a couple of Royal cars arrive.
We headed off across Green Park (no flowers?) and along Picadilly Street (?) to Hyde Park and Kensington Park, whcih we traversed with much pleasure (flowers, lakes, green grass, green trees, comfort station!). There we viewed the 'Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain'. At first we were disappointed it was so low key, but it grew on us. A notice explained that it rose quietly at the top with pure London water (recycled?) and flowed in two streams to meet in a calm pool at the bottom. We noticed some turbulent stretches on the way!
We went to Kensington Palace and looked across 'Round Lake' (a very imaginative name!). Since our feet were weary, we sank onto one of the deck chairs you can see in the distance, beside the Palace! Immediately, a chap came up for the fee! We rose and continued on our way, murmuring something about being 'ignorant Australians'! We did not go inside, but looked at the formal garden and a couple of very 'civilised' squirrels who had obviously not heard that it was bad for wild creatures to eat human food!
1) You will have to enlarge this to see the palace or the chairs! 2) The formal Garden 3) the squirrel - and a stranger's leg!
Lunch at a nice little Indian Restaurant followed, then back along the road a LONG way. As we grew wearier, we looked carefully at some bus stop information and discovered a No. 52 bus went towards Victoria Station (where we wanted to go) so we caught the next 52. Alas, it went 3 stops then halted and the driver announced 'This bus stops here and goes no furtherl. All off please!' We struggled off - and onwards, ever onwards! Eventually we ended up in Oxford Street and every man and woman and child in London was on the footpath - mostly going the opposite way to us. We went up a side street and Colin bought a little map of London (we had travelled a most circuitous route, we discovered) and then we saw the Oxford Circus Underground, so we descended (into Heaven, in this case) and caught a train to 'Embankment' from where we could view the London Eye and go to the Houses of Parliament.
Colin and I didn't leave London City till about 20 to 8 pm (still sunny) having checked out Westminster Abbey and Westminister Cathedral (for Mass times for Sunday). Apart from lunch, we walked almost all day! Then more off the train to get home. As the stories go, 'Footsore and weary but happy they returned home ......'
Enough! Time is running out and I must organise myself to go early on the plane to Lourdes in the morning. I don't imagine I will have access to a computer there, so you may have silence until next weekend. I am looking forward to Lourdes and will be travelling with a plane load of pilgrims, so no doubt I will get to know some and will be able to join in many activities. Love to all for this week. Rita
Dear Rita
Looks as though you enjoyed London, particularly with Colin to show you round. Unfortunately the Princess Diana Memorial did NOT enlarge. As requested, we did not enlarge your "scrawny neck" photo.
We hope your feet have recovered and that you enjoy your trip to Lourdes.
Your neck looks more rubber to me than scrawny! (Rubber from turning around looking at touristy things!)
Enjoy France and hope you feet are better by the time you get back here.
Love Neil, Lisa & Nikki
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