I hope you enjoy reading it. I will try to put entries in weekly. I look forward to getting some comments. PS. DON'T FORGET THAT YOU CAN ENLARGE MOST OF THE PHOTOS FOR BETTER VIEWING BY CLICKING ON THEM.

Travel Plans: FEB 4: Dep. Brisbane 12.10 pm. FEB 4: Los Angeles 7.00 am. FEB 5: Los Angeles - Albuquerque. FEB 5 - MAY 15 : Sangre de Cristo. MAY 15: Chicago to London. MAY 16: London. MAY 21-15: Lourdes. MAY 25-28: London, MAY 28:Via Paris to Issoudun. JUNE 2:Paris. JUNE 5:Paris via London to Rome. JUNE 12:Dep. Rome. JUNE 13:Hong Kong 6.45 am. - 11.15 pm. JUNE 14:Brisbane 9.40 am.

Saturday, March 17, 2007

March 16th - A Few Observations

The weather is getting noticeably warmer here. The pictures on the right and the left show the same valley about 10 days apart. Even though the views are from a different angle, you can clearly see the change in snow cover and vegetation. Even though it is an arid area, there is a much closer network of roads and settlements than in arid areas of Australia. (Reminder: click on the photos if you want a better view and they might enlarge).
The left photo below shows another view towards the area just on the Santa Fe side of where we live, and you will see what look like quite a few roads in the area. In actual fact, a couple are disused tracks on our property which no vehicle - even a 4WD - could drive on. I sometimes walk along the dirt one that seems to go straight into the distance, but it actually turns onto State Road 592 just where you see it disappearing on the photo. The main road has quite a few vehicles but those that pass as I walk along are extremely careful to give me a wide berth and the drivers usually wave. The general attitude is very friendly, which is nice. There are no 'utes' over here - only 'dump trucks' (Picture 2 - showing one such truck on State Road 592) which are very common around here. Another interesting thing is how bi-lingual the place is. As you shop in Santa Fe you hear a lot of Spanish being spoken. Our cook and handyman (husband and wife) are bi-lingual and speak Spanish to each other and English to most of the rest of us with equal ease.

1 comment:

Kath H said...

Perhaps the unuseable roads are like our fire trails, and could be accessed in wildfire (our bushfire) situations? Spring seems to have really sprung.

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I am of 'mature age', active, religous and charming of course!