Next morning, caught a bus to city and found MLC building in plenty of time for the Visa interview. Had to be there 9.30 am for 10
Floor 10 - like Airport security - turned me away. My 'printed from the net' interview sheet was for Wednesday 17th 9.00 am!!!!!! I felt great self doubt. How could I have mixed up the time so badly! I left the building, met a friend for lunch and spent the rest of the day doing 'touristy' things, including checking out the Crypt at St Mary's ($5) which was very interesting. We were glad we watched the historical video first which made it all more meaningful.
As the day wore on however, I realised I had mixed up two forms - a first interveiw made in error, then a resecheduled one which was Tuesday 16th 10 am!!!!!! By then, I had missed the real time!!!! Bad night.
Next day took the Wednesday sheet (with the Tuesday sheet underneath) and presented again. No problems! Got through security and waited in the rows of seats to be ushered into the Lift (escorted) to 59th floor. More security (plus large Police Officer) and then waited in front of booths like Railway-booking booths. Called quite soon to a lady (Australian) who dealt with the forms. When she finished she searched a list behind her - twice. "Are you having trouble finding my name?" - Yes! - , so produced the two forms. No worries, she could now find my name.
After a wait of about half an hour I was called for the 'Interview'. If you imagine a private chat, forget it. It was at another glassed in booth with microphines and speakers both sides. No privacy for murky pasts! It was all very simple: Why are you wanting to go to USA? How are you planning to get there? How long do you plan to stay? The young fellow was very pleasant. I finished up with a 12 month visa - could have had a 5 year one for further $$$ then I provided the needed addressed Registered envelope so it could be posted to me, and headed off to pack up at Kensington before driving to Canberra.

Forgot to take photos of Ruth and Dave, for which they are probably grateful. However, I am pleased with the one of Kath and John. Had a quiet time preparing for the return journey - went walking, to church, shopping, enjoyed the company of Ruth & Dave for tea. Didn't contact anyone else because of shortage of time (and energy)
On Friday 19th (anniversary of Dad's death) I headed off for the Newell Highway and Brisbane. All went smoothly, and breakfast was just before Forbes. Had lunch in Coonabarabrin and bought some lace-up blue shoes which should be very useful. Sale price too. Made Goondoowindi by 5 pm (Brisbane time) and decided to bed down. Very happy with the Budget Motel and a lovely meal brought to my room for an extra $20. Left early, and had to go 80 kph until the sun came up because there roos about - slowed to a crawl for one happy little fellow who hopped across in front of me and then turned down beside the car as I passed (ever-so-slowly). Apart from kindness to animals, there is kindness to the car!
Arrived home before 10 am so plenty of time to unpack and sort myself - even went shopping for fresh food, before heading off to 6 pm Mass.
9.30 pm the front door rang!!! A parishioner was there to tell me Ashley wasn't well and he was taking him to the Holy Spirit Northside Hospital to be checked for a pain in his chest under his armpit. We could well be priestless for morning Mass! Soon Ashley turned up too and gave me keys etc and instructions to run a Communion Service. I sat down and thought hard. Would I prepare a Sermon ????? Decided to check if there were enough Communion Hosts in the Church. There wern't, so at 10 to 10 rang the Dean of the area at Woodridge, Fr. Dave. He now has an assistant priest, and promised to send him over after 7.30 am Mass if we need him for our 9 am. He would do the 6 pm himself and so it happened. Ashley was admitted with a lung infection (the heart is fine) and stayed there till Tuesday morning. He is out and about now but knocks up sooner than he would like. In time, he will be back to full strength.
The visa arrived safely by mail on Monday 22nd, much to my delight. All is as I expected.
1 comment:
Have a happy trip Rita
Love Eleanor
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